Automating App Store Connect

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on September 17, 2018 · 7 mins read
Automating App Store Connect

Automating App Store Connect

WWDC 2018

Automating App Store Connect

WWDC 2018

Getting data

Changing data

Post Request
Post Response

Patch Request
Patch response

Delete Request
Delete Response


Request (make a betaGroup) Using the related ID
You can also set attributes

include data

Tester can belong to different groups. So you need the include data.


Access and authentication

Authentication Credentials

  1. Create API Key
  2. Generate tokens
  3. Send token with request

Step 1: Create API Key

  • Downloaded only once ⚠️
  • Not stored by Apple
  • Managed by you
  • Do not expire

Step 2: Generate token

Step 3 : Send token with request

Best Practice