Strategies for Securing Web Content

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on September 18, 2018 · 12 mins read
Strategies for Securing Web Content

Strategies for Securing Web Content

WWDC 2018

Strategies for Securing Web Content

WWDC 2018

Secure Transport

Your ToDo list

  • HTTPS and WSS
  • Strict Transport Security ( HSTS )
    - Auto-upgrades your domain
  • Upgrade Insecure Request ( UIR )
    - Auto-upgrades cross-origin loads
  • Secure Cookies
    - Are never sent in plaintext

Cross-Origin Loads

Cross-Origin Lockdown

Subresource integrity

Check the integrity before executing the code

Content security policy

HttpOnly cookies

  • HTTP only means don’t expose the cookie in the document.cookie JavaScript API

SameSite cookies

  • Only send it when I’m the page owner, 
    when I’m the main page, not when I’m embedded.
  • If your web content is being embedded by someone you don’t trust,
    the SameSite cookie will not be sent and your server can detect this.


  • Only my own site can load this
  • Only when my domain name is the main page domain and I’m pulling in this image, then load the image into the web content process
  • When someone tries to cross-origin load your image or your script and
    you’re sending this response header, those things won’t be loaded


  • The opener can even navigate your window outside of your control 😡

Cross-origin attacks

Cross-Site Scripting ( exam )

  • Trying to steal the cookies of that user ( by a message )😡
  • Http Only cookies protect your cookies 😆

Cross-origin attacks

Compromised CDN ( exam )

  • Redirecting that script request to evil.example, loading attack code 😡
  • If it doesn’t match the check sum, you’re going to load is off of your own server instead. So, that attack is also foiled 😆

Cross-origin attacks

Cross-Site Request Forgeries ( exam )

  • The attacker that of course has phished one of your users, meaning sent a link and lured that user onto the attacker’s site, evil.example 😡
  • The victim user doesn’t realize is that there’s a hidden resource load with your web content sending a message on the victim user’s behalf 😡
  • Use Same-Site Cookies. They will not be sent in the embedded case, which means that your server will detect I’m being embedded here.

Speculative Execution Attacks

  • Speculative Execution and the Attack (Spectre)
  • Defenses
    - WKWebView
    - Content Security Policy
    - HttpOnly cookies
    - SameSite cookies
    - Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy

Speculative Execution Defined

  • Make sure your web content doesn’t end up in the same process as a frame from evil.example


  • Infectious 😡


  • Not infectious 😆
  • Use WKWebView

Speculative Execution Attacks

Content security policy

  • You might have an embedded social widget from social.example, but then you might have an injection attack, 
    maybe it’s the messaging thing again where someone can send markup in a message and 
    you accidentally render it and they pull in an iframe from evil.example 😡
  • Specifying from where you allow frame.
    Don’t allow evil.example 😆
  • frame-ancestors 'none' — never iframe me

Speculative Execution Attacks

HttpOnly cookies

  • evil.example can reach into an iframe from your content and actually read the cookies 😡
  • Use HttpOnly. We don’t need to expose in the document.cookie API 😆

Speculative Execution Attacks

SameSite cookies

  • evil.example has decide to try to pull off a speculative execution attack against your content. Loaded an iframe with your content. 😡
  • SameSite cookie doesn’t get sent. 
    Server will know that 😆

Speculative Execution Attacks

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy, Cross-Origin Window Policy

  • evil.example could wait until your user loses focus of that page of yours and then use the handle to navigate it to a fraud page that looks like your page and asks the user to please log in again. 😡
  • Use Cross-Origin Window Policy. 
    There will be no handler for the attacker page to navigate your window with 😆

Window Control Attacks

  • Malicious window navigation
  • Defense: Cross-Origin-Window-Policy header

Take Action


  • Use transport security ( https, wss)
  • Mark cookies HttpOnly and Secure
  • Migrate from UIWebView to WKWebView