Metal for VR

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on September 29, 2018 · 9 mins read
Metal for VR

Metal for VR

WWDC 2018

Metal for VR

WWDC 2018

VR on macOS

  • Support for HTC Vive Pro
    - Two 1440x1600 AMOLED displays, at 615 ppi
    - 78% resolution increase
    - 37% ppi increase
    - Stereo cameras for MR
  • SteamVR Tracking System 2.0
  • Valve SteamVR runtime
  • Valve OpenVR framework

VR Application

Rendering overview

Different rendering patterns depending on MSAA

Different rendering patterns unified ( new )

  • New Metal texture type
  • MTLTextureType2DMultisampleArray
  • Separate control of 
    - Rendering space
    - Views count
    - Anti-aliasing mode
  • Single draw, render, and resolve pass

2D multisample array textures ( new )

Application creates 2D MS Array texture for rendering VR content

Cross-Process Texture Sharing ( new )

IOSurfaces vs shareable Metal textures

  • Ability to share Metal textures between processes
  • Shareable Metal textures can have complex structure
  • Shareable texture can be used only in scope of single GPU
  • Enable advanced VR use cases, but are not limited to them

Standard vs sharable texture creation ( new )

Application creates 2D Array texture that can be shared with Compositor

Passing texture to compositor ( new )

Passing frame for presentation, using shareable Metal texture

Passing across process boundary

Compositor optimizations

Frame Pacing

  • Single vs Multi threaded application
Single threaded application 😡
Multi-threaded application 😆
  • Splitting command buffer encoding
  • CPU + GPU optimization

Advanced Frame Pacing

  • GPU workload examples
  • Pose independent work 😡
  • Multi-GPU workload distribution 😆

Multi-GPU Workload Distribution

  • MTLEvent
    - Mechanism of synchronizing GPU workloads
    - Synchronizes across Command Queues
  • MTLSharedEvent
    - Extends Event
    - Synchronizes across GPU’s
    - Can be shared between process

Increasing Resolution

Optimizing for Vive Pro

Rendering at higher resolution

Reducing Fill Rate ⚠️

  • Clipping invisible pixels
  • Multi-resolution shading
  • Monoscopic far-filed rendering
  • Stereo shading reprojection

Clipping invisible pixels

Use StreamVr stencil mask to clip invisible pixels

Loss of information in periphery due to lens distortion correction

Multi-resolution shading

  • Contribution of edge and corner regions
80° x 80°
  • Rendering edge and corner regions at reduced resolution
  • Upscaling rendered regions to final resolution for submission