WWDC 2018
iOS 11
81% Installed
iOS 12 Performance
40% Faster app Lunch
50% Faster keyboard
70% Faster camera
2x faster share sheet
CPU Performance

4 USDZ (New AR File format, with PIXAR)
Universal Scene Description
Optimized for sharing
Compact single file
Open file format
Tools: Adobe AR Software
AR Demo
Measure App
USDZ Examples (News, Online shopping mall) 👍
AR Kit 2
Improved face tracking
Realistic rendering
3D object detection
Persistent experiences
Shared experiences

Lego + AR Kit 2 👍

Search suggestions
Search refinements (multiple keywords)
For you
(Sharing Suggestions+ memories + Featured Photos + Effectes Suggestions, Shared Album Activity)
Sharing Suggestions
(People suggestions, Full Resolution, Share back suggestions)

Shortcut (Add frequently used things)
Siri Suggestions
Shortcuts App (Manage the Siri shortcuts)
News App
Browse (new tab)
New Side bar (iPad)
Stocks App
Apple News
Available on iPad
Voice Memos App
Available on iPad
iBooks App
All New Design (Apple Books)
Support 3rd party navigation App👍 (Google, Waze, Etc)
Do Not Disturb
Bed time
Automatically ending (For 1 hour, Util this evening, etc)

Screen Time (weekly activity summary)
How you spend your time
App Limits 🤣🤣🤣 (You can set own your limit)
For Kids 😭😭(Allowances, Family Sharing)
Tongue Detection 😝
New Animoji
Memoji (Me + Emoji)
Group FaceTime (32 people)
Intergrated into Messages

watchOS 5 ⌚️
🏃🏻♂️Competitions, 🥇Awards
Progress updates
Workout types (Yoga, Hiking)
Outdoor Run (Rolling Mile, Mile AVG, Cadence)
Automatic Workout Detection 👍
Walkie-Talkie (celluar or WiFi)
Siri watch face (Sports, Maps, Heart Rage, Siri Shortcuts)
“Hey Siri , who won…” → “who won…”
Notifications (Interactive, Web content)
Student ID Cards 👍
tvOS 📺
DOLBY ATMOS + (Dolby Vision)
New channels (Live sports, news, etc)
Zero Sign-on
stunning 4K HDR visuals
macOS 🖥 (Mojave)
Dark Mode
Desktop Stacks. (Grouped icons)
Finder (Gallary View Mode, Quick Actions)
Quick Look (inside of ReQuick Look)
Screenshots (Thumbnail → Edit)
Continuity Camera (Mac ↔ iPhone camera)
Extended Security
Safari (Shut down shared buttons, comment fields, etc)
Fingerprinting (harder for trackers)

Mac Apps
Voice Memos
Mac App Store
Create ML (Vision & natural language, Custom data, Swift, Interactive Xcode Playgrounds)
Core ML 2 ( 30% Faster on-device processing, 75% reduction model size)
Bring your iOS apps to the Mac (2019)