The Life of a Button
The Life of a Button
WWDC 2018
Most important interaction

What Is a Button Anyway?
- Buttons are indirect controllers of action
- Direct interaction is often preferable
- Physical buttons are indirect

Perceived Affordance

During: Feedback
- Let people know what your app is doing
- Tell-text explanations, icons
- Show-experience visual, audio, haptic change over time

This helps up know that a button is enabled and that it can work

After: Feedback

Why Care Sound design??
50% of the experience of a movie is determined by
what we hear by its music and sound design.
- Sound is everywhere
- Sound is useful
- Sound shapes experiences
- Sound helps define your brand👍

To click or Not to Click?
- Category
- Audience
- Context
Deconstructing the Process
- What makes a sound?
- Is the sound helpful?
- How can we use this?
- Material
- Shape
- Excitation
- High
- Low


Building Blocks
- Timbre
- Frequency
- Duration
- Loudness