Introducing ClassKit
Introducing ClassKit
WWDC 2018
Apple School Manager
- Create managed Apple IDs
- Create rosters
- Manage content and devices
- Opt in for progress reporting
- Purchase apps in bulk

- A new education app for students and teachers
- View assigned handouts
- Create new handouts
- View progress reports

LifeCycle of a Handout
- Content is represented via CLSContext
- One main app context (root context)
- App content is added to the app context
- Define content as early as possible

Developer Mode
- Settings > Developer > ClassKit API

Framework Classes
- Maintains the context tree
- Exposes the mainAppContext as a property
- Keeps track of modified objects
- Objects saved by calling ) - One shared instance

Context Identity
- identifier property
- Context identifier Path
- Identifies a context within a context tree
- Array of context identifiers
Context Identifier Path

Context Lookup

CLSDataStore Delegate
- Works in conjunction with path query methods
- Used to create missing contexts on demand
- Useful for apps with dynamic content

- Always associated with contexts
- Created by calling CLSContext.createNewActivity() → CLSActivity
- Access current using CLSContext.currentActivity: CLSActivity?
- Creating a new activity is akin to a new attempt

- Abstract class with three subclasses
- Always set the same subclass for primary activity items
- Provide clear and concise titles
- Make use of additional activity items

Steps for Adopting ClassKit
- Define CLSContext structure
- Add CLSActivity and CLSActivityItems
- Support deep linking
- Test with Developer Mode and Schoolwork
Defining CLSContext Tree

- Use clear titles !!!
- Define contexts early
- Take advantage of displayOrder


[ Sample App Link ]