Better Apps Through Better Privacy

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on September 14, 2018 · 15 mins read
Better Apps Through Better Privacy

Better Apps Through Better Privacy

WWDC 2018

Better Apps Through Better Privacy

WWDC 2018

Privacy Is About People

  • Build trust with your users
  • Respect users in handling their data
  • Apply privacy thinking to engineering decisions

Ask Questions about Data

  • Why do we need this data ?
  • Would this surprise our users ?
  • Could we use less granular data ?
  • How long do we need this data ?

Recognize Data Assumptions 😡

  • “Of course we should log this for all users.”
  • “This data couldn’t possibly be sensitive.”
  • “It’s fine to apply this data in a new use case.”
  • “There’s no PII, so don’t worry about it.”
  • “We already protect this with encryption.”

Create Privacy Guarantees 😆

  • Write high-level statements about privacy expectations
  • Decide in planning, verify in implementation
  • Examples:
    - “We can’t read your messages in transit between devices.”
    - “Analytics data doesn’t identify you personally.”
    - “We only retain aggregate usage data.”

Handle Data with Caution

  • Data brings power 💪 — and danger ⚠️
  • Gathering data adds overhead and liability
  • Unexpected data adds more risks and distrust

Use Proportional Data Collection

  • Collect only what is needed to achieve the goal
  • Collect consistently with user expectations
  • Don’t collect without a clear reason 😱

Use Privacy Techniques

  • Develop a toolbox
  • Adjust to match use case
  • Apply across systems
  • Build technical enforcements

Big Ideas to Remember

  1. Privacy is about people
  2. Ask the “should” questions
  3. Align data practices with use cases

Building Privacy in Your App

  • Accessing User Data
  • Data Stewardship

Use Out-of-Process Pickers

  • Available for Contacts, Camera, and Photos
  • Will not trigger a permission prompt
  • Default method for accessing data

Protected Resources

Requesting Access

  • Only what you need
  • Only when you need it
  • Only rely on the API for status

Include Purpose Strings

  • Required for requesting access
  • One method for transparency
  • Explains the reason for a request

Unhelpful Purpose Strings 😡

  • “”
  • “_”
  • “true”
  • “NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription”
  • “Advertising”
  • “This app requires location”
  • “Used to provide you more relevant content”

Helpful Purpose Strings 😊

Managing Access

  • Apps should not require access to protected resources
  • Build fallbacks if user declines access
  • Verify in case user revokes access
  • Stay aware of 3rd-party SDKs
  • Provide ongoing transparency

WiFi Network Information (new)

  • Now requires AccessWiFiInformation capability
  • Used to check if an accessory is on the network
  • Enable only when necessary for your use case

Health Records (new)

Protected Resources (new)

Protected Resources (new)

Storage Access API

  • Engage with logged-in content from embedded 3rd — parties
  • Including from domains classified as trackers

Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2.0

Cookies from domains classified as trackers partitioned immediately

Data Stewardship

  • Deletion
  • Device Tracking
  • 3rd-Party Partners
  • Machine Learning

Clean Up Deleted Data

  • Recognize data flow going outside your app
  • Ensure consistency across systems
  • Update data shared with Operating System
    - Siri Shortcuts
    - Notifications
    - Passwords

Siri Shortcuts






Device Tracking

You Might Want to Know…

  • Did this device already consume a free trial ?
  • Has this device paid for content but not linked that purchase to an account ?
  • Was this device previously used by an abusive user ?
  • Was this device previously used for fraudulent activities ?


  • Set 2 bits of data per device
  • Stored by Apple with timestamp
  • Persist across reset or erase install
  • Do not rely on unsupported device tracking methods
    - Continuing to remove entropy (unique device attributes)
    - Continuing to remove functionality being abused to uniquely identify users

3rd-Party Code

  • You’re responsible for all code in your app
  • Understand data access or transfers
  • Be complete when giving transparency
  • Avoid unnecessary requests for resources

3rd-Party Vendors

  • Data flow to 3rd parties from yours servers
  • Know your partners’ data practices
  • Be transparent about all use cases

Face ID

  • Built with privacy-friendly machine learning
  • Easy to add Face ID authentication to your app
  • Use the LocalAuthentication framework

ARKit 2

  • Uses machine learning to model the environment
  • Create, persist, and share map of environment
  • Collect this map only if needed for your feature
  • Use MultipeerConnectivity API for end-to-end encryption

Create ML + Core ML 2

  • Easier than ever to add on-device machine learning to your app
  • Train models on your Mac
  • Evaluate models on your user’s device
  • Avoid collecting sensitive user data

Does my model reveal training data ?

Can I infer more about my users than they expected?


  • Ensure you train on the right data
  • Keep model complexity proportional to goal