Create Great Customer Experiences Using Wallet and Apple Pay

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on September 17, 2018 · 17 mins read
Create Great Customer Experiences Using Wallet and Apple Pay

Create Great Customer Experiences Using Wallet and Apple Pay

WWDC 2018

Create Great Customer Experiences Using Wallet and Apple Pay

WWDC 2018

Apple Pay Cash

  • Makes it easy to pay and get paid from friends and family using iMessage
  • Pay in-store, within apps, and on the web
  • Available in the U.S
  • To process Apple Pay Cash payments, ensure you accept Discover debit

Inline Setup

  • For users with no cards, set up 1 and return to purchase in 1 step
  • Always show the Apple Pay button if the device supports it
  • Use the .setup button type if the user has 0 cards to make it even clearer
  • Apple Pay setup is presented inside your app
  • No additional work required
  • Returns the user to the purchase immediately
  • Automatic card activation via SMS
  • Faster than manual entry

Error Handling

  • Control over nonfatal errors in the Apple Pay Sheet
  • Provide your own custom error messages
  • Resolve issues for higher conversion

Error Handling Tips

  • Important to expect fuzzy data
  • User has one set of data in Apple Pay shared across many apps and websites
  • Forcing the user to conform to your business logic actually increases friction
  • Instead, accept a range of inputs, i.e. Zip and Zip + 4
  • Infer what data you can from other fields, such as city and state from zip

Apple Pay Button

  • Localized in all device languages
  • Available in a number of styles and colors
  • Scalable for all supported devices
  • You’ll get our future updates without any work
  • Available in the SDK from iOS 8.3 and WebKit from iOS 10.1 / macOS 10.12.1
  • New types and corner radius are available in iOS 12
  • Coming to WebKit in a future release
  • Fallback to using other types on unsupported versions

Book with Apple Pay ( new )

  • Use when booking a hotel or with a ridesharing service

Subscription with Apple Pay ( new )

  • Use for subscription-based purchases

Checkout with Apple Pay ( new )

  • Use if you have multiple references to checkout on the same page
  • Make it clear to the user that checkout button performs Apple Pay

Corner Radius ( new )

  • Modify this to match the style of your existing app or website
  • Will fallback to use the default rounded corner on unsupported version

Guest Checkout

  • Design for guest checkout as the first experience
  • Blocking first-time purchase increases friction leading to abandonment
  • Account creation should be desired by the user, not enforced
  • Create accounts post-purchase using data from Apple Pay


  • Your customers will look for and expect Apple Pay
  • Make purchasing faster by setting Apple Pay as the default option
  • Apple Pay has the most up-to-date customer information
  • Use inline setup if the user has no cards


  • Prefer customer information from Apple Pay
  • Users have contact, shipping, and billing information already set up
  • Request only relevant fields
  • Additional fields can lead to higher abandonment 😡
  • Collect other information before, checkout begins such as the number of items

Zero Total Support

  • Available in iOS 12
  • Coming to WebKit in a future release
  • Make sure to fallback to existing behavior on older version ⚠️

New Supported Networks ( new )

  • Support as many payment networks as possible for the best user experience
  • Available in iOS 12 and WebKit in a future release

Apple Pay JS API or Payment Request API

Apple Pay on the Web Demo

Why Use Passes ?

  • Easy to use contactlessly or with a barcode
  • Synced across all devices and backed with iCloud
  • Intelligently shown on lock screen and in search for quick access
  • Continue the seamless Apple Pay experience into the physical world

Automatically Adding Passes 👍

  • Presents a simple alert to the user requesting to add or review
  • Less friction than presenting PKAddPassesViewController directly
  • Handle the review status in the callback

Adding Passes Best Practices

  • Suggest adding passes that were created outside of your app
  • Add related passes to Wallet as a group
  • Make it easy for people to quickly add passes they do not have
  • Let people jump to their passes in Wallet from your app

Designing Passes

  • Use pass fields to display relevant text
  • Use vibrant colors to make your pass stand out
  • Design a pass that looks great on all devices
  • Avoid reproducting existing physical passes
  • Don’t encode user information in the strip image

Passes on Apple Watch ⚠️

  • Does not support the strip image
  • Thumbnail image is not displayed
  • Users can not access the pass detail

Additional Row Support

  • Row can only be used in auxiliary fields in an event ticket type pass
  • Only values of 0 and 1 supported ⚠️
  • On older versions, row is ignored
  • Auxiliary fields are then displayed on 1 row up to the limit of 4th fields per row
  • Consider this when designing your passes


  • Add this functionality with the locations, relevantText, relevantDate pass JSON Fields
  • Pass appears on lock screen at the right moment
  • Handles multiple relevant passes
  • Always add relevancy information and trust the system to present as required

Semantic Tags ( new )

  • Great way to add machine readable information to passes
  • 70+ event and transit type tags supported
  • Check supported semantic keys in online documentation
  • Relevancy information works in combination with semantic tags

Contactless Passes

  • Contactless and relevancy for lock screen access feels like magic
  • Requires an NFC Certificate to get started
  • Contact us for access:
  • Your readers must support the Apple Value added Services protocol

Digital to Physical Commerce

  • As soon as I get close, button appears
  • Using GPS and Bluetooth beacons the app detects that change

Certificates Expiry

  • If you’re a payment processor or merchant
    Make sure to check your server-side certificate expiry dates in the developer portal
  • They are easy to renew
  • Renew before expiry to avoid disruption taking Apple Pay