What’s New in Safari and WebKit

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on September 18, 2018 · 11 mins read
What’s New in Safari and WebKit

What’s New in Safari and WebKit

WWDC 2018

What’s New in Safari and WebKit

WWDC 2018

Use WKWebView

  • UIWebView deprecate
  • Works on macOS and iOS
  • Runs in a separate process from your app

Extending Safari: History

  • 2010: Safari Extensions
  • 2014: App Extensibility for macOS and iOS
  • 2015: Content Blockers for macOS and iOS
  • 2016: Safari App Extensions for macOS

Legacy Safari Extensions

  • Safari 12 blocks support for .safariextz extension
    outside of the Safari Extensions Gallary
  • New submissions to the Safari Extensions Gallery
    will be accepted util the end of 2018 ⚠️
  • Transition to a Safari App Extension or Content Blocker

Subresource Integrity


The hash doesn’t match. So, Safari has blocked it from being loaded.

Intelligent Tracking Prevention

Storage Access API ( new )

AutoFill for Safari

Default Password Format ( new )

  • 20 characters long
  • Contain upper-case, digits, hyphen, and lower-case
  • Use passwordrules attributes for custom password rules
  • Password rules validation tool

Security Code AutoFill ( new )

Font Collections ( new )

Similar Unicode fonts downloaded more quickly

font-display Descriptor ( new )

Videos in Image Elements

In CSS background image property
Fallback images


gif → mp4

Passive Event Listeners ( new )

  • Enabled on document, window, and body elements by default
  • Flag to always allow scrolling
  • No interruptions
Performance sample

Image Decoding ( new )

  • Synchronous 😡
    - Main thread is blocked
    - User interactions prevents until all images are decoded
  • Asynchronous 😆
    - On separate thread
    - Parallel decoding operations
    - User interactions aren’t blocked
    - Default on 1st page load
    - Markup: Add the
    decoding attribute to an element
    - JavaScript: Use


No flash. Smooth transition.

Beacon API

Asynchronous request on unload event

  • Sends data on unload without waiting for a response
  • Smooth browser navigation while waiting for response
  • Ensure delivery of data while Safari is running

Drag and Drop Improvements

  • Directory uplaod
  • Read and write support for MIME types ( HTML, plaintext, and URLs)
  • iOS: DataTransfer.getData and DataTransfer.setData


Payment Request API + Apple Pay ( new )

  • Support for Apple Pay using Payment Request API
  • Still need to support Apple Pay specifics
  • Apple Pay JS features
    - Granular error handling
    - Cobranded card support
    - Phonetic names


Service Worker API ( new )

  • Great offline experience
    - Cache interactions
    - Intercept requests
  • Multiple tabs share 1 instance
  • Persistent store of resources

Fullscreen API for iPad

CSS Environment Variables

AR Quick Look + Safari