Creating Audio Apps for watchOS
Creating Audio Apps for watchOS
WWDC 2018
Native Controls

Now playing view
- Digital Crown controls volume
- Place in non-scrolling controller
- Automatically switches source
- Application tint color

Volume control
- Controls iPhone or local volume ( Watch )

- Application tint color

Getting Content

The content might already exist on iPhone.
We can just use watchConnectivity and transfer the file directly over to the Watch
- Transfer file API
- Progress
- Sample Link

Which one do we use ?
- URLSession
- User initiated on Apple Watch
- UsewaitsForConnectivity
instead of SCNetworkReachability
- Requests are proxied through iPhone, when in range - WatchConnectivity
- Initiated on iPhone
- No need to request from your server again
Set Expectations
- Instruct your user
- On the magnetic charger

presentMediaPlayerController(with: option: completion: )

- WKAudioFileQueuePlayer
- WKAudioFilePlayerItem

- AVAudioPlayer
- AVAudioEngine
- Playback
- Background run mode (new)
- Foreground, screen on - Formats supported
- AAC-LC, AAC-ELD, HE-AAC, HE-AACv2, MP3 (decoding only), Opus
Background Playback ( new )
- AVFoundation
- Route picking
- MediaPayer.framework
- Restricted to Bluetooth routes just like Music, Podcasts, and Radio

Local Playback
- Set
on AVAudioSession - Call new
activate(withOptions: completion: )
method on AVAudioSession
- On completion, callplay()

Route Picker
- Apple wireless chip, W1
- Bluetooth headphones
- If user has an active route, the route picker will select that automatically on your behalf
- Takes active W1 route from iPhone (Unless iPhone has more priority )
- If no active routes, route picker will appear

- Only play audio when necessary
- AVAudioEngine
- autoShutdownEnabled on by default
- Provide Now Playing information
- Now Playing UI will update
- Handles events

Media remote
- Use MediaPlayer.framework
- Handle commands however you wish
- Sample Link

Audio Experience
- Auto launch
- Frontmost App state
- Notifications
- Shortcuts
Auto Launch
- Auto launch Audio Apps
- Now Playing session on iPhone brings Apple Watch app frontmost
- Stays frontmost for duration of the session

Now Playing session API
- You will know when you’re launched for a Now Playing session on iPhone
- Take your user directly to the view
- Use
on WKExtensionDelegate

Opt out
- App can opt out
- Do the right thing
- Info.plist key
- Now Playing app will show if you have opted out
Frontmost App State
- WatchConnectivity resumes
- URLSession resumes
- Frontmost notification
- Haptics
- Kept frontmost while playing audio
- User navigates away
- Background playback still occurs - Properly handle background events
- The Life of a watchOS App ( WWDC 2017 )

- Content available local notification
- Play option as the primary action
- Configuration step
- What’s New in watchOS ( WWDC 2018 )

Frontmost notifications
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void)
- Play haptic
- Donate

- Relevant shortcut API

- Shortcut phrase