What’s New in watchOS

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on September 23, 2018 · 10 mins read
What’s New in watchOS

What’s New in watchOS

WWDC 2018

What’s New in watchOS

WWDC 2018


More dynamic

Optionally grouped

Interactive and actionable

Xcode will create the interface automatically

Delivered with varying levels of urgency

  • Critical Alerts
  • Quietly Delivered Notification
    - Send notifications to directly Notification Center
    - You don’t have to prompt the user to allow notifications when the app is first launched
    - Instead, you can request provisional permission
  • User can choose to deliver notifications quietly by swiping left from a notification in Notification Center or change their notification preferences in settings

Background Mode — Audio

AVFoundation API

  • Direct access to AVAudioPlayer and AVAudioEngine
  • Share code between iOS and watchOS


Audio Controls

  • New volume control view
  • Available in the Object Library and Interface Builder

Now Playing View

Auto Scaling Assets

Large Title style

Work Out

Start Me up! ( new )

(Re-)start Me Up! ( new )

  • Automatic relaunch after crash 👍
  • Session and builder restored in previous state

Siri Shortcuts

  • Provide engaging relevant shortcuts for the user
  • Supply relevant shortcuts from both iPhone and Apple Watch
  • Richest watchOS shortcut experience available with a watchOS app
Shortcut surface on the Siri Watch face based on relevance with the most relevant items appearing at the top of the up next section less relevant ones at the bottom

How the user has interacted with your app in the past is token into account when predicting what shortcuts to show

  • You should donate intense or user activities as the user performs the main functions of your app.
  • For example, The Audio app would donate an INMediaPlaybackIntent
    when the user starts / resumes playing an audiobook

What’s in a Relevant Shortcut ?

Relevance Providers

The Relevant Shortcut Store

  • Relevant shortcuts can be supplied by both your iOS app and your Watch app.
  • iOS relevant shortcuts are synced periodically
    They’re merged into consideration with the Watch relevant shortcuts
  • If your Watch app supports the iOS shortcut, the Watch app handles execution
  • If it doesn’t, or if the Watch app isn’t installed, the shortcut executes on the phone, over internet.
  • If they’re intent-based shortcuts that support running in the background and can run without accessing encrypted data, which is separate from off.

iOS Relevant Shortcuts on Sifi Face

  • Surfacing and executing iOS shortcuts requires
    - Intent based
    - Background execution
    - No protected data needed

Updating Your Relevant Shortcuts

  • When the user launches your app
  • WKRelevantShortcutRefreshBackgroundTask 
    - Refresh data and relevant shortcuts
    - Scheduled by user engagement

Updating Snapshots and Complications

  • WKIntentDidRunRefreshBackgroundTask After intent execution
  • Update appropriate UI