Metal 2 on A11 — Raster Order Groups

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on October 02, 2018 · 3 mins read
Metal 2 on A11 — Raster Order Groups

Metal 2 on A11 — Raster Order Groups

Tech Talks

Metal 2 on A11 — Raster Order Groups

Tech Talks


  • Access memory from overlapping fragment functions — in submission order
  • Allows fragment functions to communicate
  • Allows fragment functions to build more interesting data structures

Fragment Shaders with Blending


Mid-Shader Memory Access


With Raster Order Groups

Raster Order Groups on A11

  • Supports tile shading and tile memory
  • Supports multiple groups
    - Eliminates cases of excessive synchronization
    - Enable reader / write lock-style behavior

Example: Deferred Shading

Example: Adding Transparency

Add a new phase into the render pass
1. Fill and shade G-buffer
2. Order independent transparency for forward surfaces
