A Guide to Turi Create
A Guide to Turi Create
WWDC 2018
What is Turi Create?
- Python library for creating Core ML models
- Easy to use, no need to be an ML expert
- Task focused APIs
- Cross platform (Mac, Linux)
- Open source
5 step recipe for creating Core ML models

Step 1: Task

Step 2: Data

What is an SFrame?
- Disk backed, tabular data struct
- Common data manipulation tasks
- Work with text, images, and json
- Interactively explore and visualize data

Step 3: Model
- Model creation customized to task
- State of the art
- Small or large amounts of data

Step 4: Evaluate

Step 5: Deployment

1. Loaded images and annotations into the SFrame

2. Interactively explored data

3. Created a model

4. Evaluated quantitatively

5. Exported to Core ML

Turi Create 5.0
- New Task
- Style Transfer - Performance
- Native GPU Acceleration on Mac - New Deployments
- Recommenders
- Vision Feature Print powered models
Style Transfer

1. Loaded images into the SFrame
2. Created a model

3. Stylized images

4. Visualized predictions
5. Exported to Core ML

Mac GPU acceleration

- Task: Recommend items for users
- Data: Historical preferences
- Deployment:
- Core ML custom models
- macOS 10.14, iOS 12 - Top community feature request