Using Accelerate and simd
Using Accelerate and simd
WWDC 2018
Composition of Accelerate Framework
- vDSP — Signal processing
- vImage — Image processing
- vForce — Vector transcendental functions
- BLAS, LAPACK, LinearAlgebra — Dense matrix computations
- Sparse BLAS, Sparse Solvers — Sparse matrix computations
- BNNS-Neural networks
Closely Related
- simd — Small vector and matrix computation for CPU
- Compression — Lossless data compression
Signal Processing Library
- Basic operations on arrays
- Add, subtract, multiply, conversion, etc. - Discrete Fourier/Cosine Transform
- 2D FFT - Convolution and correlation
Signal Extraction from Noise Link
Essential Computations
- Analyze noisy signal with forward DCT
- Remove frequency components of amplitude less than threshold
- Reconstruct clean signal with inverse DCT

Halftone Descreening with 2D Fast Fourier Transform
Essential Computations
- Transform halftone image with 2D FFT
- Remove frequency components of the halftone screen
- Reconstruct continuous tone image

Frequency Removal
- zvmags
- vthrsc
- vclip
- zrvmul

The simd Module
- Simplified vector programming
- Small (fixed-size) vector and matrices
- Abstract architecture-specific types and intrinsics

- Matrices of size 2, 3, or 4 and vector of 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64
- Arithmetic operators (+,-, *, /) work with both vectors and scalras
- Supports common vector math and geometry operations (dot, length, clamp)
- Quaternions

Rotating a Cube by Transforming Its Vertices Link

Image Processing Library
- Conversion
- Geometry
- Convolution
- Transform
- Morphology

Adjust Color Saturation
- The formula to adjust color saturation is
Cb = ((Cb -128) * saturation) + 128
Cr = ((Cr -128) * saturation) + 128


More video effects
- Rotation

- Blur

- Dither

- Color quantization

LINPACK Benchmark
- How fast can you solve a system of equations?
- Actually 3 separate benchmarks
- 100 x 100 system
- 1000 x 1000 system
- No hold barred