What’s New in TVMLKit

WWDC 2018

Posted by Den on September 26, 2018 · 6 mins read
What’s New in TVMLKit

What’s New in TVMLKit

WWDC 2018

What’s New in TVMLKit

WWDC 2018

Web Inspector Enhancement

  • Toggle Event Listeners
  • Image Network Resources

Data Binding

  • Transformation of data to UI elements
  • Separation of layout and application logic
  • Reduces JavaScript code

Binding keys

  • Attribute
  • Text Content
  • Items
  • Children ( new )
    - Generic form of item binding
    - Generates children of any element
    - Works like items binding
  • Fragment ( new )
    - Invisible element to help compartmentalize DOM
    - Children of a fragment are visible
    - Work with children binding
  • Rules ( new )
    Refinement of UI based on data states
    - Invisible element
    - Operates on sibling elements

Customizing Playback

  • Works with all playback experiences
  • Provide TVPlayer and UIViewController
  • Close analogue to TVMLKit JS APIs
  • Limited JavaScript Bridge


  • Public AVPlayer adaptor to Playback Pipeline
  • Dispatch custom events to JavaScript
  • KVO properties for changes from JavaScript
  • Sequential playlist

Playback User Interface

  • Implement your own playback UI


  • Handle “should” events yourself